Our bouquets have been commended in numerous articles for being good quality, long lasting & true to price. Below features a selection of publications we have featured in and which bouquet was recommended.



Scented Lavender £44.99


15 best Mother's Day flowers to brighten her special day

"It’s hard to beat lavender for that summery, fresh-from-the-meadow scent and this bouquet from a charming London boutique is a divine treat for the nose. The purple sprigs are scattered among lilac roses, crisp white eustoma and fragile veronica. They come securely wrapped in a protective box and the bouquet is big enough to offer wow factor."

White Onyx £79.99


The Best Flower Delivery Services For Mother's Day

"Appleyard London has a good range of bouquets available for next-day delivery up until 8pm – perfect for those who tend to leave their grand gestures until the last minute. Our favourite Mother's Day bouquet: The monochrome White Onyx bouquet."

Evening Standard
Letterbox Candy Roses £29.99


The best letterbox flower bouquets to order online with next day delivery

"The quintessential bouquet, this bunch of pastel pink, white and lilac roses are guaranteed to brighten up anyone's day. These buds will arrive carefully boxed and while some will be open, others will take a couple of days to fully bloom."

Good Housekeeping
Luxury White Roses £39.99


The best flower delivery services

"An elegant bouquet comprised of white Avalanche roses and complementary green foliage... They arrived in protective packaging and had wow factor complete with attractive cellophane and a bow. Flower food and care instructions were included, and thorns were removed... It lasted, on average, 10-14 days."

Evening Standard
Classic Gift Subscription From £22.00


The best monthly flower subscriptions in London

"Appleyard London will not only deliver you a gorgeous bouquet each month, but also some peace of mind as their flowers are predominantly sourced from British growers and their packaging designed to produce as little waste as possible."

The Telegraph
Seasonal Gift Subscription From £22.00


The best flower and plant subscription boxes - tested

"This was a ready-to-go bouquet, tastefully wrapped in cellophane and white tissue with stem ends in a little sealed tub of water. The whole lot came in a cardboard box... these went straight into a vase and looked stunning - no arrangement needed."

